' Kerish Products

Privacy Policy


(Revised on May 24, 2018)

We comply with the requirements of applicable law, including the (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).

Terms of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the "Policy") shall apply to any information which www.kerish.org Site Administration (hereinafter, the "Right Holder") receives and/or may receive about individuals/legal entities - users/visitors (hereinafter, the "User") during the use (or in connection with the use) by the User of www.kerish.org website (hereinafter, the "Site").

The User shall unconditionally accept the terms of this Policy in its entirety at the beginning of use of the Service. If you disagree with this Policy as a whole, as in case of disagreement with any item of this Policy, the User shall not be allowed to use the Site.

Details of the Users that are received (and/or may be received) and processed by the Right Holder:

  • Information that the User provides about himself/herself manually when using the Site (for example, when paying for products of the Right Holder): The User's full name and email address. The Right Holder comes from the fact that the User provides the correct information.
  • Information that during the use by the User of the Right Holder's products is automatically transferred to the Site by the User's devices through the software installed on such devices of the "Right Holder". Such information shall include, but not be limited to: the IP-address of the User, the address of the Site and/or the Internet resource requested by the User, the time of the Site request.

Goals of the Right Holder's obtaining (collection) and processing of the information (hereinafter, the Information):

The Right Holder collects and processes the Information necessary for the provision of services, the development and improvement of the products, execution of agreements and contracts. The information is also used for interaction with the Users when they apply to the technical support and other departments of the Right Holder. The technical support, as well as the employees of other departments of the Right Holder may ask the User for other information regarding the configuration of their computers and operating systems installed on them. Such information is needed for a more accurate identification of the problem that arose for the User, and for the most effective recommendations for its elimination.

The information is also used to communicate with the User, including, but not limited to, by sending e-mails, notifications, queries, processing queries and requests of the Users. The information can also be used to ensure the security of the Site and to monitor the compliance with the licensing rights for the Right Holder's products.

Terms of Information processing and its transfer to third parties:

The Right Holder shall store and process the User's Information in accordance with internal regulations and applicable international law.

The Right Holder may transfer the User's Information to third parties in the following cases:

  • The User has expressed its consent to such actions;
  • The transfer is necessary for the investigation of potential violations by the User;
  • The transfer is provided by applicable laws within the procedure established by the law;

Change of Personal Information by the User:

The User can at any time change, as well as update or supplement the personal information provided or a part thereof, as well as the parameters of its confidentiality, by contacting the Right Holder in writing, to admin@kerish.org.

Measures taken to protect the Information:

The Right Holder shall take the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, and other illegal actions of third parties to it within the competence of the Right Holder.


The Right Holder has the right to change this Policy without prior notice thereof to the Users. When changes are made, the date of the last update is stated in the current edition. The new version of the Policy shall come into force from the date of its placement, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the Policy. The current version is always available at https://www.kerish.org/content.php?item=privacy. The current Policy and the relationship between the Users and the Right Holders, arising from the application of the Policy, shall be governed by the applicable laws.

The Right Holder can be contacted at: admin@kerish.org.